Sixteen hundred years ago Bishop Augustine of Hippo confessed “our hearts are restless until they find rest in Thee.” These deep longings can only be satiated by an intimate relationship—formed in prayer—with the One who formed us. This course offers a blueprint for building an inner sanctuary, a resting place.
Daily Prayer: A Modern Guide to Ancient Practices is a sacred resource for those wanting to establish a rich, dynamic prayer life. With the wisdom that comes from forty years of teaching the Bible and praying with women, men, and children, Joy Hilley offers practical help and insight into the daily prayer method she uses—one that has sustained her and others for years. Drawing from ancient Hebrew texts, the words of Jesus, early Church writings and practices, and The Book of Common Prayer, you are invited to enter into rhythms of worship and prayer infused by the Spirit.
Class participants will be given an opportunity to create their own piece of art as a spiritual exercise, an act of personal devotion. No art skill or experience is necessary and art materials are provided.